Wednesday, July 31, 2019

 Learning experience : How someone could become afraid of the dentist Essay

There are many reasons someone could become afraid of going to the dentist. Majority of people become afraid of the dentist due to a bad experience they have encountered. Just to name a few: the dentist was a painful experience, the dentist made your teeth worse, etc. In my own experience, I was afraid of the dentist because of a horror film. At nine years old, my sister let me watch a horror movie called the dentist. It was about a mentally unstable dentist who tortures some of his patients. A year or so after I had seen this movie my mother surprisingly brings me to the dentist for the first time. As we were walking into the dental office I cannot help but to tremble and burst into tears because I could not stop thinking of the dentist from the movie. That day I only had my teeth cleaned and x-rays. My mother scheduled me to have cavities filled in the next month. My brother and sister taunted me by telling me scary stories about trips to the dental so the day I was scheduled to ge t my cavities filled. I decided to run away to the library and stayed there until closing. My mother had to reschedule my appointment for the following week. That time she made sure I went. Conditioning My conditioned stimuli were triggered by walking into the dental office my condition response was crying and trembling because I was afraid that the dentist would torture me, therefore, my unconditional stimuli were watching the dentist torture and kill his patients. My unconditional response was to be scared of all dentists and run away for a few hours so I would miss my appointment. Operant Learning My training experience could have occurred through operant conditioning since I did not quite understand that what you watch on television might not be real. If my mother had not forced me to go inside the dental office would still be petrified and I would have never gone to the dentist; my teeth would be in bad shape. Observational Learning The learned experience could occur through observational learning if my mom or anyone else I knew were scared of the dentist that would have also made  me afraid of the dentist because I would be observing their response to the dental. Another reason I might have been scared of going to the dentist was hearing my brother and sister tell me scary stories about how the dentist pulls your teeth out and you can feel every slight of pain. Reinforcement My mother dragging me into the dental office is where reinforcement was experienced. When my mother gave me no other choice except to get my teeth clean I then realize that the dentist was not so bad.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Process Proposal Essay

The process that is being analyzed is the payroll process at a firm. The process can be viewed as a series of steps done on a daily basis and then at month end when salaries are to be distributed. Their process flow along with diagrams is given below. Daily: The work of the system starts as soon as an employee enters and checks in for the days work. Every employee owns a magnetic swipe card which is given to him/her upon employment at dollar. The swipe card machine notes and stores the time of entry and exit for every employee along with other necessary information such as employee number, name etc. at the day end, this data is imported to the current system database (running on FoxPro) using a third party software. Issues such as total time worked per day (depending on employee type), overtime, absences and leaves are resolved then and there. Every employee, in case of over time put in, is handed a sheet at the day end called the ‘Overtime Sheet’. Records of it are maintained by respective supervisors as well as the current system. Monthly: At month end, the data that has been accumulated over the whole period along with the overtime sheets that every employee submits is used to calculate total salaries of the employees and then paid to them in the form of payslips. All deductions and additions regarding overtimes, absences, leaves etc. are resolved and then sent to the supervisors for verification. Upon verification, deductions regarding gratuities and additions such as benefits, allowances etc. are verified from the HR system records and then forwarded to the account system for tax deductions. The final process is then to transfer funds to each employee’s personal account and distribute payslips to each one of them. The transfer is carried out by the accounts department in co-ordination with the HR system and the payslips are distributed via supervisors. A diagram that illustrates this process is given below: As it can be seen, the process has various repetitive steps that can easily be eliminated if a computerized system is used. Especially the processes at month end, these can be shortened a lot if redesigned and enabled with IT.

Natural Law theory Essay

With reference to other aspects of human experience, explore the claim that Natural Law theory is irrelevant. Justify your answer. [15] Natural Law is becoming more irrelevant due to our secular culture. Natural Law depends on the belief that the world was designed by a creator, and that morality is absolute according to his standards. Aquinas assumes that all men must seek to worship God. What about an atheist? According to Thompson, if someone does not believe in God, then â€Å"the natural law theory loses its foundation.† Furthermore, in today’s society natural law has largely been replaced by utilitarianism, the belief that our moral choices are less absolute and should be based on creating the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. It has even been referred to as, â€Å"the ethics of the planet.† It is far less restrictive and many argue it is a superior philosophy to natural law. According to Peter Mullen, Working with Morality, it may be necessary, for example, to torture an innocent person to save the lives of thousands. Peter Singer once wrote a piece condemning natural law in a magazine called Project Syndicate. He prefers practical ethics to theoretical ethics. He cites the case of a South American woman called Beatriz who was pregnant and suffers from lupus, this made the pregnancy difficult. Furthermore, the child had anencephaly. Singer was enraged that the natural law philosophy of Catholic El Salvador prevented her from getting an abortion. He wrote with regard to natural law, â€Å"The use of the term â€Å"being with a rational nature† is very broad, perhaps too broad.† Even the Pope has recently condoned the breaking of natural law in extreme circumstances. Pope Francis has indicated that women exposed to the Zika virus may be permitted to use contraception to avoid pregnancy, in a departure from Catholic teaching. His comments came as women in South America frantically try to terminate pregnancies for fear of giving birth to babies with microcephaly, which gives them unusually small heads. He said that unlike abortion, â€Å"avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil† and in certain circumstances it may be â€Å"the lesser evil†. This proves that natural law is becoming irrelevant even for the Catholic Church. Among more orthodox thinkers, objection to the natural law takes several forms. Many, Protestant evangelicals in particular, presume that natural-law thinking fails to take seriously the condition of human sin and places misguided trust in the powers of human reason debilitated by the Fall. Consequently, natural-law theory is thought to be insufficiently Christocentric and located outside the realm of grace, thereby engendering a version of works-righteousness. These critics remain sceptical out of a concern that natural law is autonomous and somehow external to the centre of theological ethics and God’s providential care of the world. On the other hand, many would argue that natural law is not irrelevant because it is instinctual within all humans. Some believe that God has implanted the natural law as a form of moral instinct. For example, the writer Johannes Teutonicus said that the natural law of men is based on an, â€Å"instinct proceeding from reason.† Therefore even if one is an atheist you cannot escape the urge to follow natural law based on your conscience. Finally, Natural Law continues to be central to Catholic teaching. Early teachers such as Aquinas supported it and so do modern day clergy. The RCC believes that everyone is subject to it from birth (natio), because it contains only those duties which are derivable from human nature itself, and because, absolutely speaking, its essentials can be grasped by the unaided light of human reason. Just recently in March 2015 Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco has invoked the natural law in stressing the moral unacceptability of gay sex and gay marriage.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marketing Management. The success and failure Essay

Marketing Management. The success and failure - Essay Example This perception is not something that the product or the market is assuming by itself. It is created by the product marketers. Though marketing and marketing management has been defined variedly by different people at different points of time, marketing would still stand between the business and consumers or buyers and ensures that the needs of the buyers or customers are met by the company and its products. Marketing management is the one where marketing is managed to deliver the results thus said. Philip Kotler et al., (2006) defines marketing as follows: human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through the exchange process. Philip Kotler et al., also define marketing management as "the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value." It is the aim of the marketing manager to ensure that the market keeps growing with additional customers and with or without ad ditional products. Opportunity is the gate through which the products produced will bring in revenue to the company that produced it. Opportunity presents itself to the people who are interested in knowing it. When the opportunity knocks most often the people behind the doors either do not hear it or they are afraid of opening the door. Either way the opportunity is lost. Only a few open the gates for the opportunity to enter and bring in the desired revenue flows. An opportunity occurs out of the environment and its needs. The environment is made up of four elements; Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic and Political. These four elements impact the company to a great extent. All the opportunities also rise out of these four elements. Opportunities arise because of the socio-cultural changes or because of the technological innovations that produce a major source of business opportunity. Economic changes in the market could also throw up opportunities that could be tapped. New regulations and laws might also bring about major changes in the way businesses are done and this could lead to more opportunities. Every opportunity has to be checked out for what it is worth. This can be carried out by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the system and the opportunity. It is also important that the opportunity provided by the environment, is taken up by the company and has the right kind of skills to bring about appropriately satisfy the requirements of the market (Drucker P J, 1993). SWOT Analysis of an Opportunity Every opportunity should be evaluated based on its own environmental and internal factors. The company should do a SWOT analysis of the existing and new requirement. The company should identify the strengths that are with the management and the strengths of the people who make up the company. The company should be able to identify its own skill in which it is best at. The extent of financial resources that the company has; the kind of bargaining power they might have with their suppliers and their intermediaries, the nature of connections and alliances they have. All these would contribute to the strengths of the company. The weaknesses include the lack of financial resources, the specific skills that does not exist, how old are the IPs and their current state and what the company is really bad in. All these contribute to make the weaknesses of the company. Similarly, the opportunity that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

WWII Contrasting view Points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

WWII Contrasting view Points - Essay Example Lo" by Charles Cawthon. Hughes Rudd began his career for the forces at a very early age of nineteen when he started his training as a pilot in the year 1942. He was a very motivated young man who joined the forces of the united states as a pilot who worked as a spotter and not as a fighter as he had dreamed of. This was because of his imperfect vision. But he pursued his career and after his initial training he was moved from Fort Hays to the Fort Still where the training period became even more difficult with more obstacles. He was again lucky enough and it was his determination which made him graduate from there. After finishing his course he officially became a spotter pilot. He was allotted to work in the 93rd Armored Field Artillery Battalion. He faced many difficulties which included the misconceptions between the navy and the army which could be seen when they were forced to dress in a manner that was difficult for the pilots. He was then finally posted on the field where he worked throughout the wa r and fought against the Germans (Rudd). On the other hand Charles Cawthon was also a soldier who fought during the Second World War. He was in the army of the United States and he was not a pilot but rather a foot soldier. He begins his account directly from his memories of the war and not explaining much about his initial career. He presents with direct events of the war and the inside plans. A clear picture of the events of the war that particularly took place at St. Lo during the war up till the war was over is clearly presented (Cawthon). The spirits of Charles Cawthon do not seem as high as that of Hughes from his initial account when he says that many soldiers were not even aware why they were a part of the army whereas Hughes stated clearly that it was his dream to be a part of the forces. Charles cawthon

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Social And Legal Aspects Of Computing Assignment

Social And Legal Aspects Of Computing - Assignment Example However, in this case study Susan failed to protect details of her group members by selling the data to businessman and mishandling the backup information which was stored in a USB stick. The information was not available to the users since the database became in accessible and Susan misplaced the only back up that was available. Personal details should also be kept in such a manner that they will portray the accuracy to the users. To achieve this, it is vital for the data to be kept in a place where they cannot be altered without the consent of the owners (Theda & Mary 2010). In the case study, Susan had written information which was irrelevant such as the details regarding the Caroline relationship with her former boyfriend Tom. Such information did not add any value to the information for the purpose it was intended for. Furthermore, Susan allowed another personal to use the data illegally which could result to its loss in authenticity. In addition, Susan forgot the secondary devi ce in which the data was stored, and this created a loophole for other people to access private data which they could alter to suit their personal desires rather than the use for the benefit of the members. Question 2 The principle of data protection act requires that the individual information being generated should be just and legitimate (Theda & Mary 2010). It is a legal requirement that such personal details should be obtained for a specific purpose only and not for any other reason whether legitimate or lawful. Susan violated this rule because she included private information regarding the relationship between Caroline and Tom (her former boy friend) and by adding that there relationship was not genuine, but a mere pretence just meant to hurt her. This information was not related to the reason for which the database of members was required. The regulations also require individual information regarding other people to be processed with their authority (Andrea & Deborah 2011). Th e information held by one person on behalf of others is not supposed to be used for any other purpose apart from the one it was meant for. In this case, Susan shared member’s personal details with Peter for commercial use and in fact she received compensation of ?1000. This was against members wishes since they were included in the deal. Therefore, members are entitled to compensation for the illegitimate use of personal details. Personal details should be kept safe where they cannot easily be accessed by unauthorized parties, spoilt, or replicated (Andrea & Deborah 2011). Susan violated this rule by carelessly sharing information with other people which eventually caused blockage of data maintained in the members’ website. She also misplaced the backup gadget which contained member’s details and probably the gadget was taken by other people. Those people who took that gadget probably went ahead and abused the information contained in it for their personal gains . This denied the group members the right to protection of their personal details which may result to abuse of their details. Question 3 In the case study, Peter replicated the data massively and sent numerous email messages to the clients. The members complained to Susan that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critically appraise the fiscal strategy of the UK Conservative-Liberal Essay - 1

Critically appraise the fiscal strategy of the UK Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government - Essay Example Amongst the compromises that the two parties made were their held fiscal policies, which have greatly affected the country to the present moment. The unresolved budgetary deficits, a weak economy and no framework for making a quick recovery for the economy can show this. When the recession hit Great Britain in the period 2007-2009, the Labour Government continued in its overspending in terms of the budget, which worsened the state of the public finances (Giudice, Kuenzel and Springbett, 2012, p. 22).   At the campaigns of the 2010 general election, the Conservatives promised faster action to curb borrowing in order to stabilize the economy. Through a new budget introduced on June 22, 2010 by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the government planned to remove the deficit in the budget by the period 2014-2015. By this time, the amount of borrowing as a share of the GDP would have reduced, achieved through cuts in spending by a figure of 80% and increases in tax by 20%. This reassured the financial markets who continued to lend money and at the same time maintaining a low cost in the repayment of existing money owing. By doing this, the Conservatives had made a concession to their Liberal Democrats Coalition partners, which have led to several difficul ties with regard to the fiscal strategy and policy as originally made. The United Kingdom Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government aims at reducing the spending by the government so that the deficits that are in the budget are reduced. As already stated, it was initiated in the year 2010 with the main aim of achieving â€Å"cyclically-adjusted current balance by the end of the rolling, five-year forecast period†. This means that the intention of the fiscal policy was to have the austerity measures in place until the period 2015-2016, but this was pushed to 2018. What these austerity measures meant were

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Growth MatrixWestinghouse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Growth MatrixWestinghouse - Essay Example First, it is important for the company to consider its cost of products and services. A drastic reduction in prices of similar goods and services is sure to yield massive impact because of prevailing economic situation. It is common knowledge that economic hardship presently prevails in most economies where Westinghouse has offices. To this end, any move to make customers save little monies would be highly appreciated by them. Secondly, it is important to focus on customer satisfaction. The reason why this cannot be overlooked is that the competitive advantage that needs to be built will be built mainly to attract customers. If these customers are given services that make them satisfied then surely their first option among existing companies is going to be Westinghouse. Unlike market penetration, market development has to do with the creation of new market. This may be quite costly for Westinghouse as compared to the penetration of existing markets. However, this has its own merits. For instance after studying the prevailing market for a while, the creation of new market gives marketers the opportunity introduce new line of products that meet the demands of customers. The challenge however has to do with the cost of starting the business and market research analysis to identify new customers. On the introduction of new line of products and services, Westinghouse as a multi-purpose company may have greater advantage. It is important however to go about this with a common strategy that has to do with the integration of advanced technology. Looking at the fact that the line of products of Westinghouse has to do with electronics, the introduction of new line of products that integrate modern and advanced technology would score lots of points for the co mpany (Business Ball, 2012). For example it is common knowledge that the ordinary user of a tape recorder would today want a technological advancement that features the use of a USB port that will make

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

EFFECTS OF MEDIA ON SMOKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EFFECTS OF MEDIA ON SMOKING - Essay Example Usage of tobacco in youth oriented films increased in the 1990’s and it is very common these days mainly in films which are famous with teenagers. However, is it totally a wrong thing to do to attract teenagers. The impact of smoking on the teenagers, shown in movies is mostly negative. The Office of National Drug Control Policy carried out a study in 1999 for 200 famous movies of 1996 & 1999 and found that more than 85% had usage of smoking in them. Dartmouth Medical School also carried out a study which stated that the percentage fluctuated amid 87 % to 91 % in the 25 super hit movies since 1995.1 As revealed that observed public standards and the main predictors for the usage of drugs and alcohol, it is mainly distressing that 74 % of the leading artists in the super hit movies in the year 1997 to 1998 used to smoke. Advertisements shown by the cigarette companies are appealing for teenagers. Promotions and publicity of tobacco usage by commercials and posters increases the likelihood of teenagers start smoking. Marketing is the use of the media to create clear connections or images of the products, advertisement basically is the mixture of activities designed to increase trade. There is indeed no consideration of the effect of tobacco marketing on citizens tasking up tobacco.2 Advertisers use various methods to create appeal which is socially unethical in my eye. Advertisements shown by tobacco companies encourage smoking which is wrong. Conversely, studies related to the non smoking people and their introduction to cigarette marketing discloses that nonsmoking teenagers who were aware of or receptive to cigarette advertisements had the very potential to turn into smokers later on. It has been revealed by the recent researches that cigarette manufacturing organizations are still endorsing ads that indeed have a great impact on the teenagers in comparison to ads relate to anti-smoking. People who smoke are shown as independent individuals who can take their decisions themselves. Federal Trade Commission stated that cigarette manufacturing organizations spend approximately $1.06 billion for the advertisement and promotion of their products. A big portion of this expenditure is spent at retail store level mainly aiming the youth. Teenagers who are aware of the ads associated to smoking be likely to connect smoking with recognition, relaxation and fame and such connections are powerful in contrast with any of the suspected risks and dangers gathered from anti-smoking advertisements. Tobacco manufacturing organizations mainly aim their product in a designed way making a character who smokes enormously popular and composed through the company’s campaigns.3 Cigarette ads attract the teenagers more than people who are above 30 years of age. Teenagers mainly fall upon ads of cigarettes in commercials, magazines, posters, artists smoking in movies and also by means of advertising events in restaurants and bars which make them the easy targets of the cigarette manufacturing companies. Studies have pointed out that cigarette ads attract the young adults and teenagers more as compared to persons above 30 years and peer-review studies reveal that tobacco ads affect the teenagers the most. The impact of anti-smoking and quit smoking ads has still been very less on the

Approach to Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Approach to Care - Essay Example Cancer patients need integrated care through the involvement of a multidisciplinary team due to its complexity. This involves having specialists coming together. Each one of them observes the patient individually; they then compare the results and medical history to be able to come up with the medical plan and the recommendations collectively. It is therefore recommended to choose a care center offering multidisciplinary care to be able to get a comprehensive and convenient care to cancer. The care given should be holistic to be able to attend to the emotional but also social needs of the patient. Individualized, whole-patient care According to Gotay, Lipscomb & Snyder (2006), this mode of treatment should be varied according to age, stage of cancer, preferences, and emotional issues of the patient. It extends to taking care of the social, spiritual and cultural preferences and norms of the patient. Inclusive care Inclusive care entails consulting the patients and including them in t he decision-making process. The patients regardless of class and financial strength need to be given equal treatment. The treatment plan should be based on agreement and recommendations arrived at to ensure that whatever treatment they are given is their choice. Respect According to Gotay, Lipscomb & Snyder (2006), the patients and caregivers need to be treated with care and respect. They should also be allowed to participate actively in decision-making. Patients and caregivers should be encouraged to engage actively in the whole process. Communication Communication is one of the most important aspects in any organization. Cancer being a very sensitive thing, the doctors needs to be bold, upfront, honest and straightforward with the patient, regarding their progress and status. Describe the Diagnosis and Staging of Cancer According to Gotay, Lipscomb & Snyder (2006), the stages in the progression of cancer have been evolving over time, so are the staging systems. This is because the scientists are ever studying and conducting research on the same. Some stages cover all types of cancers, while some are more specific. These are the common factors and signs to look out for at the time of diagnosis: The site of the primary tumor The number of the tumors that the patient has, consideration is also given to the size of the tumor(s) The concerned or infected lymph nodes together with the rate at which the cancer cells are invading into the lymph nodes The cell type, together with the progression and the stage of the tumor. This is how closely the cancer cell is of resemblance with the normal cells What is the TNM system? According to Gotay, Lipscomb & Snyder (2006), the TNM system focuses on the extent of the tumor (T), the progress of the spread to the lymph nodes (N), and the availability of distant metastasis (M). Each letter is added a number as an indication of the size and the extent of the primary tumor as well as the degree to which the cancerous cells have s pread. For example, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 show the size or the extent of the tumor. TX demonstrates the impossibility of evaluating or showing the primary tumor while Tis shows that the adjacent tissues have not been invaded by the abnormal cells; although yet cancer. The lymph nodes, N0, N1, N2, and N3 show that the regional lymph nodes are involved, (the precise number of lymph nodes and/or degree of spread, and NX shows that regional lymph no

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Thermography detection on the fatigue damage of the specimen alloy Essay

Thermography detection on the fatigue damage of the specimen alloy - Essay Example Fatigue occurs when a material is subjected to periodic stress which is below its tensile breaking or yield stress but which is enough to cause permanent damage. The formal definition of fatigue as given by Wikipedia (n.d.1) is: [F]atigue is the progressive, localized, and permanent structural damage that occurs when a material is subjected to cyclic or fluctuating strains at nominal stresses that have maximum values less than (often much less than) the static yield strength of the material. It is because fatigue happens so quietly and insidiously that makes it very dangerous even resulting in loss of life. Sadananda et al (2003) assert that "Fatigue is the principal cause of premature failure of engineering components". Many structures such as aeroplanes, oil rigs and bridges, to name just a few, are exposed to fluctuating stresses. The engineering approach falls into two broad categories of dealing with stress induced fatigue. The first part is prediction of the lifetime of a material under stress. This model will provide recommendations on how frequently materials have to be replaced. The second approach is to predict how far a crack can grow before failure happens. Detection and prediction of failure of cracks can mean the difference between life and death of users of these facilities. "The basic method o S-N Curves "The basic method of presenting engineering fatigue data is by means of the S-N curve, a plot of stress S against the number of cycles to failure N." ( Key to Steel, n.d.) The S-N curves enable prediction of how long a material will last in terms of cycles of loading. Figure 1. A S-N Plot for an aluminum alloy (Kelly, 1997) Kelly (1997) explains that cracks go through three stages of formation, propagation and failure. Stress Intensity factor K "Stress Intensity, K, is a parameter that amplifies the magnitude of the applied stress that includes the geometrical parameter Y (load type)" (Wikepedia, n.d.2). This factor measures the degree to which stress is magnified around a crack. The loading around a crack falls into three modes I, II and III. Figure 2. Three loading modes (Key to Steel, n.d.) The three modes are: Mode 1: opening or tensile mode (the crack faces are pulled apart) Mode 2: sliding or in-plane shear (the crack surfaces slide over each other) Mode 3: tearing or anti-plane shear (the crack surfaces move parallel to the leading edge of the crack and relative to each other) (Key to Steel, n.d.) The most common mode is mode I and this is what is used in most calculations. The intensity factor, K, determines the rate at which a crack will propagate and hence the lifetime of the material. The mathematical relationship is defined by Callister (1994, cited by Kelly(1997)) as: This equation relates the rate of growth of a crack to the change in intensity factor K. In this equation A and m are dependent on the materials and da is the change in crack length while dN is the change in number of stress cycles. The change in K is defined by: Where Kmax and Kmin are the maximum and minimum intensity factors respectively, Y is a constant dependent geometry of the material and is the applied stress on the material. When this equation is re-arranged and integrated it becomes: This equation gives Nf, the estimated number of cycles before

Monday, July 22, 2019

Body Image and the “Double Bind” Essay Example for Free

Body Image and the â€Å"Double Bind† Essay Society and mass media has always been in charge of creating and setting standards and categorizations by which America and the rest of the world is supposed to live by and live up to. In this country, image is of the utmost importance, and who we presume to be is more important than who we actually are. How we view ourselves, and how we think we should look like is largely affected by society in its creation of the â€Å"ideal† men and women. But it is mostly women, who appear to be on the receiving end of such â€Å"ideal† standards which society imposes on the rest of us on a daily basis, through magazines, television shows, commercial ads, and practically the whole of mass media. I talked to my friend, Seunghye Lee, regarding this issue, and her answers provided a significant but alarming insight on the effect mass media has on women of every race and culture, and the unfortunate success which the said system apparently has on influencing womens standards regarding self image and body issues. Seunghye Lee, as evident from her name, is Korean. After graduating from elementary school in Korea, she left for the United States, and has since been studying in this country. She is now twenty years old, majoring in biology, with a minor in psychology. But Seunghye is considering shifting to chemistry because she believes the field requires a greater amount of logical thinking, as opposed to plain memorization, which, from experience, she believes is what biology is limiting her to. Despite the length of time she has been staying in America, and how she appears very American, Seunghye understands a lot about her roots and the Korean culture. I met her at the main library for interview, and appearing relatively tall, healthy, as well as cheerful and with a sunny and optimistic view and disposition, I did not think she would be affected by the oppressive standards of media, nor would she feel bad about her body. I was wrong. When asked how she feels about her body, Seunghye replies, â€Å"I feel like I need to lose a little bit of weight because since I entered college, I gained some weight. People say that I am pretty tall, and I look healthy. † She confesses to feeling more conscious of her body when she turns to fashion magazines like Cosmopolitan, and admits wanting to hit the gym more often when she looks at images of beautiful and skinny girls on the magazine. But since shes entered college, shes had fewer times in which she needed to look at magazines anymore. Like probably most adolescents and women of her age, Seunghye feels that she needs to lose weight, even when peeople tell her that she has a relatively normal and healthy body. Her idea of happiness, where her physical features, and wher body is concerned, is â€Å"losing a few pounds† and â€Å"having a toned body. † But unlike others, she believes in exercise, work-outs, and hitting the gym, as a healthier means of losing weight, as opposed to starving oneself to death by not eating. When asked ultimately, if women today feel pressured, and if she feel pressured regarding her body image, Seunghye relates, â€Å"Yes, yes it affects me. Im pressured to not look fat. † Despite such statement, she admits, â€Å"I do not want to be too skinny, but I want to be fit and toned. It would be nice to have a body like Angelina Jolie. † It is clear from Seunghyes response, and by the way the rest of adolescent women across America choose to dress, or behave, and regard themselves, that body issues and image affects all involved. Mass media unfortunately exploits this particular weakness which most, if not, all of us are prone to falling trap into. Women are torn in the â€Å"double bind,† between standards set by society which dictates we should be â€Å"sexy† and â€Å"feminine† by wearing the type of clothes designers choose to put on models and celebrities, and in conventional standards which asks that we should also appear â€Å"chaste† and â€Å"virginal. † How we should regard and relate to our body should not be affected by the crassness of images and ideas being peddled by media. There exists a struggle and a need to break free from these standards, stereotypes, and maybe even cliches, regarding our body images. We need to create our own standards and not let media, society, or any system force feed ideologies regarding how we should act and who we are to become: for our sake, and for the benefit of all involved.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Symbolic Interactionism Case Study

Symbolic Interactionism Case Study Structure-functional paradigm also known as functionalism is a theory that sees society as a complex system or organisation and everything in society have a special function or contributes to maintain balance of the society (Macionis, 2012). Structural Functionalism is macro level analysis which focus on complex societies, large scale social structures, and social systems. It is origins in the works of Emile Durkheim. According to Herbert Spencer, society is like the structure of the human body (Macionis, 2012). Each part is like organs, bones, muscles in the body. The parts of the body are individually important, but they dependent on one another. Functionalism emphasizes on social stability. From this perspective, disorder in the system, leads to change because other parts must adjust to achieve stability. When one part of the system is not working or is dysfunctional, it affects all other parts and creates social problems, which leads to social change. In year 1957, American functionalist sociologists Robert K. Merton divide functions into two types, which are manifest functions and latent functions. Manifest functions are intentional and obvious consequences whereas latent functions are unintentional and not obvious consequences. He uses the term functions to refer to the positive consequences of peoples action. Functions help keep society or social system in equilibrium. In contrast, dysfunctions are consequences that harm society. They destabilize a systems equilibrium. Social Conflict Paradigm Social conflict is a theory that sees society as an arena of inequality which leads to conflict and social change (Macionis, 2012). Social conflict is a macro level analysis examines whole societies, large scale social structures, and social systems. This perspective is derived from the works of Karl Marx, who see society as segments that compete for social and economic resources. Based on conflict theory, society is ruled and control by the power elite and upper class. This elite and upper class not only want to maintain their dominance in society, they even like to increase upon it. Thus, they influence policy makers to form laws and regulations that legitimize their hogging of resources and wealth at the expense of all others. Symbolic Interaction Paradigm The symbolic interaction perspective, also called symbolic interactionism, is a theory that sees society as the results of interactions between individuals (Macionis, 2012). Symbolic Interaction is a micro level analysis, which focus on small and simple groups or community rather than large-scale social structures. According to symbolic interaction theory, all social interaction has a symbolic meaning. Anything that said by any individuals, behaviours of any individual, or what any individual wears has an underlying symbolic meaning to it. This perspective relies on the symbolic meaning that people develop and rely upon in the process of social interaction. Symbolic meanings are given importance because it is believe that people behave based on what they believe and not just on what is objectively true. Thus, society is thought to be socially constructed through human interpretation. People interpret one anothers behaviour and it is these interpretations that form the social bond. 2. Case study to explain/ elaborate each of the perspective associated with each school of thoughts. The topic that I use as my case study topic is prostitution. Prostitution is engaging in the sexual activity with another person in exchange for compensation, such as money or other valuable goods. From functionalism perspective, prostitution has still existed widely because it does somehow serve the society. From a functionalist perspective prostitution serves a need in society. If an act is not serving a societal need it wouldnt continue to exist. According to Erich Goode, social customs and institutions that persist over time tend to be those that are good for society because they serve one or more important functions (Goode, 2008). Now in terms of prostitution, it provides sexually repressed men with a sex life or an alternate sex life outside of their marriage. It also allows women to be entrepreneurs and make money independently without having to deal with any sort of start-up costs. Besides, prostitute does have manifest function, and that is a job because a prostitute makes living through the exchange and they can earn quite a number of money in a short period. Its latent function is to provide the sexual outlet for those who are not competitive in the marriage market, such as physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, and the poor. Moreover, in an exchange, the buyers needs are met without any responsibility to the seller. Besides, existence of prostitution can reduce the incidence of rape and sexual harassment. The evaluation of the dysfunction of prostitution is transmission of sexual transmission diseases such as AIDS. For instance, in countries such as Vietnam, prostitution is illegal. This is because prostitution are recognised generally as a risk factor in the transmission of HIV infection and it will particularly affects women and children. Now, lets look at social conflict perspective. From social conflict perspective, peoples race, ethnicity, gender, age, and social class are all linked to the unequal distribution of money. Thats why the majority of prostitutes are young, female, and poor. For example, large amount of low class citizens in country such as Vietnam, Thailand and Philippine are forced to be prostitutes. They do not know what to do, since they dont have any education. Thus, the only way that they can earn money without education is prostitution. Furthermore, pimps and madams also exist because of gender inequality in the sex industry. The pimps and madams take possession over prostitute and exploit the use of their bodies for sexual favours. Thus, when these women earn their money, they are oppressed by their pimps or madams who take a large portion of their earnings. So the economic inequality gap is widened. Hence, they need to perform sex continuously in order to live because of the social inequality. Now, lets look at symbolic interaction perspective. In Malaysia, prostitution is categorized into three forms which are escort, street and brothel prostitution. According to The Star Newspaper (, in Malaysia, about 47,000 foreign prostitutes are arrested from 2008 to 2012 for soliciting sex. From symbolic interaction perspective, prostitution in Malaysia symbolizes sexual revolution occurs drastically. Sexual attitudes have become so lenient that women are able capitalize upon mens sexual desires and engage in emotionless sexual activity with multiple partners in order to gain income.

History of Fascism

History of Fascism It can be seen that there is an increasing fight for freedom against fascism in England in post-modern era. Fascism is a long-lasting problem in England. How can we see freedom vs. fascism in V for Vendetta. The people of London seek for freedom, to be free from the government and tol ive a normal life.There is a totalitarian government in England, and the countryis like a dystopian country. Citizens in a dystopian country never question their government. The people long for democratic society, and it is necessary to make a revolution to reach the goals, and it is up to the people of England. There is a conflict between anarchism and fascism. Can anarchism be a way to democracy? The film V for Vendetta is about fascism, anarchy and England. It is a very impressive research into fascism and democrasy. Dystopian societies usually lack of personal freedoms, as well as political oppression and systematic discrimination based on sex, age or IQ (Dystopian, par.1) Dystopia is an undesirable and unlivable society. The government watches or control everything people does. There is no independence, no freedom, and no personal thought in this harsh government. Citiizens have no individual choice, they are always afraid of doing something which against the goverrnment , they can be punished by isolation, torture, or death because of their forbidden action. There are lots of social restrictions because dystopian governments want to have absolute and complete control over their people to keep their government in rule. The typical features in a dystopian society usually entail the use of propaganda to gain control. Information is limited, freedomis restricted. A figurehead is worshipped by the citizens of the society.Most citizens have a fear of the outside world because they havent been outside probably.Dystopian societies like to keep everyone underground and under control (Dystopian, par.4) A dystopian society is fictional which is created to warn people against possible danger of the strict regime, and so many writers use fiction as a medium and depict a dystopian world in their works. For example, 1984 by Orwell and Brave New World by Huxley are two classic novels on dystopian societies. Both of these satirical novels have a great influence on their era, because issues dystopia are close to the reality. Real subjects are referred to fictional world. Not only in novels, but also in films dystopian world is used to show the threat of totalitarian regime such as The Matrix and V for Vendetta. In film such as V for Vendetta the government tries to keep people in fear and to make the people feel they need an overruling power to keep them safe is quite extraordinary. These all fitting into the typical category of governmental/social dystopias because these dystopian visions paint a picture of a government or society attempting to exert control over free thoght, authority, energy, freedom of information (Is It Useful, par.6) Fascism is a consistent and universal problem.It is an important social and psychological mechanism which shows a revolt against the effect of capitalism. As Rabinbach suggested that Fascism movements emerged in almost all European contries aafter World War I as a conservative and revolutionary protest against both capitalism and Marxist socialism (145) Fascism is the one form of government with the most disagreement about a definition for it.The word comes from the Latin fasces which means to use power to scare or impress people. It generally refers to the consolidation of all economic and political power into some form of super-patriotism that is devoted to genocide or endless war with ones enemies (History, par.6) In fascism, the government controls everything, the institutions of public control and total control over everything and everyone. And the fascist government destroys all sense of independence and individuality, because they are dangerous things, as they might lead to rebellion.The fascist regime is thee extreme form of the autonomisation of politics under capitalism. It is the product of an immense dislocation of the capitalist made of production (Caplan 95). Fascism is a modern phenomenon. It is a big argument, and almost always discussed by historians, writers, politicians and scholars. Yet, What does it mean, actually? Allardyce stated that whether historians envision fascism as the tool of class interests or the expression of more impersonal forces -the revolt of the masses, the moral crisis of civilization, totalitarianism, or the modernisation process- they generally understand it in terms of something more fundamental and important to history (368). Cassels described fascism variously as an oslought on the nineteenth century, an effort to restore the vanished world of 1789, a general twentieth-century phenomenon of the Left, a movement committed to sweeping away the debris of all anciens regimes, a theory of socialism applied by authoritarian means, leftist, right-ist, radical. Whatever its definitions is, fascism gives no good to people.Disciplines of the fascism is not for public sake, its for goernment sake. It limits the freedom of people, and it restricts citizens rights. Fascist thought is born between 1870 and 1914 because of the fear of mass democracy and liberalism, and fascist movements start to occur in all European countries after 1918. Fascism destroys the liberty of England. Before the Civil War the government is liberal in the United States. The war affects the people negatively. For instance, liberty is limited, private property is destroyed. When the fascists seize the power, the society turns to dystopia in which people have no freedom.The concept of liberty changes with the times. There is one liberty in peace times, which is not the liberty of war times. There is one liberty in times of prosperity, which can no longer be granted in times of depression (Pei, par.6). According to KÃ ¼hnl, fascist system has five major characteristics: (1) its social function is to maintain the capitalist system in a crisis; (2) the use of terrorist methods of domination and the elimination of oppositional forces is basic to the system; (3) it cocsists of a mass movement which attempts to include major population groupings and act as an instrument of mass integration and manipulation; (4) the masses are subject to the ideology of the Volk community and unconditional solidarity demanded by both internal and external enemies; (5) the system produces the political and military prerequisites for imperialist expansion and the subordination of neighboring peoples(130).As we understand from KÃ ¼hnls classification of fascism, psychological manipulation and physical control are the keys of fascist government. It creates fear on its citizens by using terrorist methods. Only truth is totalitarian regimes truth, there is nothing for public good in fascism. The problem of fascism does not perish completely. The people of England is still under the threat of fascism. Even today, the independent middle class and other social groups are still threatened by social declasssing; there are still economic recessions that precipitate the anxiety of crisis; authoritarian mentalities calling for order and strong leadership are still widespread (KÃ ¼hnl 76). Fascism is very harmful all aspect of life. In fascist government, there is a social unrest, people are not happy, they are depressed, the country is in an economic depression.There is no good relationship between the people, everybody is suspicious of everybody else, and they are always in fear of totalitarian regime. In terms of a theory of economic growth revised in this way, fascism can be defined as a revolt of those who lost -directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently- by industrialization. Also the military joins here, with opposition against the industrialization of war, which tended to destroy traditional modes of warfare and which by its increasing destructiveness intensified pacifism and antimilitarism (Sauer 417). To be sure, the totalitarianism theory cannot be dismissed entirely.Modern dictatorships have undoubtedly develop new charasteristics, and totalitarianism is certainly one of them. It is, however, hardly as important as the totalitarianism theory has maintained.As Sauer suggested, totalitarianism which feeds fascism might live forever, if it is not opposed.Authoritarian dictatorships master the crisis by destroying society. So citizens should take some action to protect their rights and to gain independence. Public involvement in politics plays a vital role in democratic society. Thus, Abendroth stated that The first goal is the defence and restoration of functioning forms of public involvement in the political and social decisions of a parliamentary democracy; the next goal would be to replace monopoly capitalist production relations by transparent socialist one (113). Albert Einstein said that the world is a dangerous place tol ive in; not because of the people are evil, but because of the people who dont do anything about it. Fascism will continue to grow, if people do not do something against it. Alladyce emphazised that the antifascist of Europe added dimensions of their own , and the revised version became the Standard version, the popular conception of the ideology of fascism During the thirties recalled Stephen Spender, Fascism meant dictatorship, cencorship, the persecution of the Jews, the destruction of intellectual freedom. To be antifascist was to be on the side of humanity. Conversely, to be fascist meant to be against it(382).People who want to be on the side of humanity, should fight against fascism to prevent destruction of totalitarian regime and to get rid of dictatorship. The British National Party and The English Defence League are the current threats of fascism for English citizens. The BNP is a fascist party, as mentioned before fascism annihilate all communities, freedoms and democratic rights. The EDL is an organization of racist thugs with links to the BNP. EDL supporters use Nazi tactics during their activities.There is a unity against the alarming rise in fascism in Britain today. Uaf, the unity against fascism believes that these dangers require a strong and united response from all those dedicated to freedom and democracy, and they declares that we must combine our forces and unite in a broad and common front against this common threat (About Uaf). The first action against fascism is awake peoples consciousness. Media, literature and cinema can be used to solve the problem of fascism, and to show the danger of totalitarian regime.V for Vendetta is a good example to demonstrate the terrifying possibilities of totalitarianism and it uses the voice of anarchist, V, to affect people of England into standing together against their fascist government and fight for freedom. V for Vendetta can be seen as a dystopia because of the way minority groups are treated as criminals and used for medical experiments, V starting a revolution reasons with the people of the country after hijacking a broadcast centre (Is It Useful par.16). If viewed with philosophical spectacles, a film like V for Vendetta can also stimulate reflection on the preciousness of an open society and individual freedom.And it is much better to watch a movie than to have to experience a totalitarian, closed society for real (Berg par.7). V for Vendetta has a great success, the issues of the film prove to be important and interesting to the audience. Although the happenings of the film take place in the future, they are closely connected with todays circumstances. Its reflection of the present makes stronger the effects of the film. The film is about Vs struggle against the fascist regime. The fascist regime is like a Nazi government, killing the societies whose have no correlation to the government system. V for Vendetta is set in England. The Norsefire regime in V for Vendetta creates fears in its people and using force as a way of subduing them to do what they want. The fascist dictator, Adam Sutler wants to have the complete control over his people.Like world of Orwells 1984, cameras and secret police are watching citizens. They use technology and media to control the actions and thoughts of people.As Berg suggested that Society under the Norsefire regime is typical of totalitarian states: the secret police is the executive arm of Big Brother, and the media is under state control and is used for propaganda purposes (par.10). Similar to Nazi Germany, there are death camps in England. The people are forcibly used to take part in a type of medical testing. The government deliberately, creates a lethal virus to become rich and powerful by selling the antidote. V is one of these prisoners in the camp, Larkhill. When the fire breaks out in laboratory, he manages to escape, and becomes the only prisoner to survive. Because of the fire he is severely burnt, and he wears a symbolic mask which is the face of Guy Fawkes, a Catholic rebel on November 5th 1605 tries to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London to end the reign of James I, but he is publicly executed. V wants to change the course of history by blowing up the Houses of Parliament -he wants to succeed where Faawkes had failed, and the date for this attempt is of course November 5. As to why he wants to do so: he wants to destroy the authoritarian government (Coppens par.5). The theme of fascism and complete government control is evident throughout the film as seen through the rule of the Norsefire regime and their ruthless tactics. For example, homosexuality is forbidden and actively suppressed. The government behaves harshly toward homosexuals. We understand this clearly when Evey finds a letter from Valerie is an actress who is imprisoned for being lesbian. This, again shows the similarity between Nazi government and Sutlers government. Jalsevac stated that The most poignant scene by far is when Evey, while in prison, finds the dying letter of a woman who had been the same cell years before. As Evey reads the letter we are shown flashbacks of the life of this poor victim of state oppression (par.9). Another example of fascism in the film is that freedom of expression is forbidden. People are not allowed to express their own feelings and opinions. If they have a thought against the government, they are punished by death. Letting people think can be extremely dangerous according to fascists. Berg similarly argues that, Freedom of expression also entails the freedom to critize and satirize political leaders. In the film Deitrich (played by Stephen Fry) uses his popular talk show to satirize Chancellor Sutler. As a consequence he is seized from his home and disappears- the fate of many peaceful opponents of dictators, from Argentina to Zimbabwe (par.13). In many totalitarian regimes the portrait of the political leader of the state is placed everywhere, practically on the wall of each house and institution. In V for Vendetta we see the videos on the big screen with the face of Adam Sutler, along with his portraits in peoples homes. Fear is used to turn England into a bigoted totalitarian order, with their leader Adam Sutler becoming the High Chancellor. War, terror and disease cause to fear in people, and so they turn to the Chancellor who promises peace, and to give them silent obedient consent. Afraid of chaos, the citizens allow an enemy to be created, which is a fascist government. Similarly, Berg suggested that In times of social unrest and uncertainty there are people who call for a strong leader and who are also prepared to accept limitations on their freedom. Such people might prefer Sutlers Norsefire regime to an open, democratic society (par.18). In a totalitarian society everyone who opposes the state can be a victim of the states terror and torture. So people obey this strict regime blindly because of fear. V declares that People should not be afraid of their governments; their governments should be afraid of them.V wants to remind the people of London of their past. He thinks that this country has forgotten something which are fairness, justice, freedom. V explains that artists tell lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.The government uses the media to convey the message and to trick the community into thinking that life is so much better with the government in control. V gives the people hope and show that the country has much better life outside of the governments control. By showing brute force of the government, V tries to convince the citizens to support him over the government. One of the major themes in the movie is the conflict between anarchism and fascism. The Norsefire regime is the face of fascism. Adam Sutler rules the country through both fear and force. The ideas of anarchism is presented by V. He uses the voice of an anarchist to evoke people for fight against authorities. V is fighting for anarchism, because he sees it as a way of democracy. Anarchism is a theory of governance that rejects any form of central or external authority, preferring instead to replace it with alternative forms of organization such as shaming rituals for deviants, mutual assistance pacts between citizens (History par.5). In the film the importance of the idea is underlined, it emphasizes that ideas are very powerful and live beyond the death of individuals. After V is shot multiple times by Creedy, he ironically says Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, there is an idea, and ideas are bullet prof. This quote means that the flesh of a man can be killed; however an idea can never be killed. A man can be forgotten, but an idea can live forever. At the end of the film Evey completes the task of V, and sends the train with the explosives toward the Houses of Parliament. V is dead, but he reaches his aim. He creates a hope for a better tomorrow,and its up to people of London to decide what happens next, a new England can be built. As Ghufron suggested that All forms of authority in Britain are now gone; its future is left uncertain. Thus, V has created chaos, which will allow voluntary order to ocur (par.12). To conclude, the film V for Vendetta is a shining example of what we are facing and how we can overcome a fight against a corrupt fascist government. It is emphasized that, Fantastic and mysterious on the surfacemovie V for Vendetta, in reality investigates and develops very important social-political themes, the notions of freedom and democracy, confrontation of them to the totalitarianism and fascism; the themes of identity of a human as a member of society and his dependence on the social order or vice verse his opposition to the existing political regime (Fascism par.10). The film clearly shows that ciizens should be unite and fight against their totalitarian regime to gain freedom and to live in a democratic society. Eleven similarly suggested that As the film V for Vendetta illustrates we have great strength in unity. We must simply organize ourselves. The film shows a symbolic organization and unification of the populous to rise up at once to take control. This is what is required. But we cant stop there (par.4) V for Vendetta creates a hope and courage in people of England, it leads to people think of fascism and freedom, and decide on what they really long for, ruled by totalitarian regime or live in democracy. The film has many awards, and this is a symbol that many people want to abolish the fascism in the world. As Jalsevac stated that V has received largely positive reviews from the critics, praising it for supposedly challenging audiences to think and raising timely questions about terrorism, when violence might be justified and the power of government (par.13). Works Cited Abendroth, Wolfgang. The Problems of The Social Function and Social Preconditions of Fascism. International Journal of Politics, 2.4 (1972-73): 104-113. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. About Uaf. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Allardyce, Gilbert. What Fascism Is Not: Thoughts on the Deflation of a Concept. The American Historical Review, 84.2 (1979): 367-388. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Berg, F. V. D. V for Vendetta Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Caplan, Jane. Theories of Fascism: Nicos Poulantzas as Historian. History Workshop,3 (1977):83-100. Academic Research Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Coppens, Philip. V for Vendetta. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Dystopian Society. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Eleven, Dylan. 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Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 180 (1935): 9-13. Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Rabinbach, Anson G. Toward a Marxist Theory of Fascism and National Socialism: A Report on Developments in West Germany. : New German Critique, 3(1974): 127-153. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Sauer, Wolfgang. National Socialism: Totalitarianism or Fascism?. The American Historical Review, 73.2(1967):404-424. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. V for Vendetta. Dir. James McTeigue. Perf. ÂÂ  Hugo Weaving,ÂÂ  Natalie Portman. ÂÂ  Warner Bros. Pictures, 2005.Film.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Oedipus Is to Blame in Oedipus Rex Essay -- Oedipus the King Oedipus R

Oedipus Is to Blame In Sophicle's Oedipus The King, Oedipus plays the lead character in the play. Oedipus plays blindfolded throughout the play. His character that he betrays is typical of those who honestly believe they have no part in the situation that occurs. I agree with Bernard Knox that Oedipus is responsible for the tragic outcome of the play. Oedipus's investigation of the death of King Laius is the reason for the tragic ending. The scene where Oedipus opens the investigation is the first step toward his downfall. Oedipus covers up the murder and is nervous when he hears the news. It is Oedipus's continuous effort to find the murderer. He wants to find the murderers of the king, not knowing that he is the murderer. Oedipus is the head investigator for the murder of King Laius. Even though he tells the people of Thebes that, "I am ready to help." He promises the people that he would do anything t...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Causes of the Flu Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Why We Still Get the Flu This winter, media reports of early influenza (flu) deaths in American and British children sparked a panic that is spreading throughout the United States and the world. People are currently rushing to get flu shots to try to prevent this virus, which can be temporarily debilitating and even lead to death (1). With readily available flu vaccination and medication, it is a wonder that the flu is still an extant disease. In fact, in any given year, the flu kills about 15 million people world wide, more people than are killed by AIDS, lung cancer, and heart disease combined (2). With so much modern medical technology, why is it that we are still getting the flu? Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a virus that infects the trachea (windpipe) or bronchi (breathing tubes) (1). Strains of the flu may belong to one of three different influenza virus families, A, B, or C (3). Symptoms include high fever, chills, severe muscle aches, headache, runny nose, and cough. Complications can lead to pneumonia. Those most at risk of dying from the flu or contracting complications include asthmatics, people with sickle cell disease, people with long-term diseases of the heart, kidney, or lungs, people with diabetes, those who have weakened immunity from cancer or HIV/AIDS, children on long-term aspirin therapy, women who are on their second or third trimester of pregnancy, children under the age of nine, and adults over the age of 50 (1). Flu shots may be a miracle of modern technology, but they are not received by everyone. The flu is a world-wide problem. While Americans spend $2 billion treating and preventing the flu every year, those countries known as the Third or Developing World simply cannot afford su... ... VA – Flu Vaccine 9)Fujian flu vaccine ready by next year; news article on the Star Online, a Malaysian Newspaper. 10)ScienceDaily New Release: Australian National University Scientists Find Genetic Trigger For The 1918 Spanish Flu 11)WHO 50th – Smallpox Eradication, Site Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the World Health Organization. 12)FluMist: No More Flu Shots? , On the Mayo Clinic website. 13)ScienceDaily News Release: A Better FLU Vaccine? Nasal Spray Vaccine May Give More Protection Against 'Drifted' Strains

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cis 210

^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& In today’s â€Å"tech† and competitive world, businesses are in transformation from manual inventory system to automated inventory system, including small businesses. Automated Inventory systems can reduce costs, retain the existing customers and gain profits. It can replace the time consuming manual process by providing more accurate data. Every business should have a proper inventory system in order to track whether the store is running out of the stock of an important item or there are some items that are obsolete.Nowadays, automated system is used almost by all the retailers, grocery stores and manufacturing companies. A good inventory control system will alert the retailer when it is time to reorder (www. barcodesinc. com). Automated inventory system will keep the competitive advantage of your company and increase the value of your business. This plan will describe all the necessary equipment required for a low-cost automated inventory system fo r a small clothing store.It will also explain the costs involved in creation of the system and describe the ongoing maintenance that will be required for the smooth running of the system and provide a workflow diagram of how the system will work. The equipments required to install a low-cost automated inventory system in small clothing store consists of a computer- desktop or laptop whichever is more cheaper, system requirements that can handle and store the inventory system, backup/recovery/portable hard disk and archive device, wireless router, inventory software, mobile scanning device like RF gun or any other device, barcode printer and barcode labels.The system will be user-friendly and provide reliability and versatility in performance of application. It will make tracking inventory simple and flexible. It will allow tracking and scanning inventory away from the physical computer. The automated system will update the inventory records and perform transactions on an instant bas is. The system will make it simple to

Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis Essay

Threat of b ar-ass Entrants. The average individual stopt come a hanker and quest down up a bank, besides in that location ar work, such as internet wit rightment, on which entrepreneurs can capitalize. Banks atomic number 18 afraid(predicate) of being squeezed out of the payments business, because it is a bully source of fee-based revenue. Another trend that get under ones skins a menace is companies qualifyinging other monetary service. What would it take for an insurance company to start offering mortgage and loan run?Not much. Also, when analyzing a regional bank, think up that the possibility of a mega bank entry into the market poses a real brat. proponent of Suppliers. The suppliers of capital might not pose a big threat, but the threat of suppliers luring away human capital does. If a talented individual is working in a smaller regional bank, there is the chance that person will be enticed away by bigger banks, enthronisation firms, etc. Power of Buye rs.The individual doesnt pose much of a threat to the banking industry, but one major promoter affecting the power of buyers is relatively mellow switching costs. If a person has a mortgage, car loan, credit card, checking account and rough-cut funds with one particular bank, it can be extremely tough for that person to switch to another bank. In an essay to bait in customers, banks try to demean the price of switching, but many lot would still rather stick with their current bank. On the other hand, large collective clients have banks wrapped or so their minute fingers.Financial institutions by offering infract exchange evaluate, more(prenominal) services, and exposure to exotic capital markets work extremely life-threatening to get high-margin corporate clients. Availability of Substitutes. As you can probably imagine, there are plenty of substitutes in the banking industry. Banks offer a suite of services over and preceding(prenominal) taking deposits and lendi ng money, but whether it is insurance, reciprocal funds or fixed income securities, chances are there is a non-banking financial services company that can offer alike(p) services.On the lending side of the business, banks are seeing competition rise from outlaw(a) companies. Sony (NYSE SNE), General Motors (NYSEGM) and Microsoft (NasdaqMSFT) all offer favorite(a) financing to customers who buy big tag end items. If car companies are offering 0% financing, why would anyone want to get a car loan from the bank and pay 5-10% interest? Competitive Rivalry. The banking industry is super competitive. The financial services industry has been around for hundreds of years, and just about everyone who needs banking services already has them.Because of this, banks must attempt to lure clients away from competitor banks. They do this by offering trim down financing, favourred rates and investment services. The banking sector is in a race to see who can offer both the best and fastest se rvices, but this also causes banks to experience a lower ROA. They then have an incentive to take on high-risk projects. In the long run, were likely to see more consolidation in the banking industry. Larger banks would prefer to take over or liquify with another bank rather than pop off the money to market and advertise to people.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Role of Young Minds in Shaping India’s Path Towards

Es submit Title social function of Young Minds in shaping Indias path towards becoming a officefulness Name Dhruv Tripathi College Name University of Petroleum and goose egg Studies, Dehradun Course B. A. LL. B. 3rd Semester E-mail emailprotected com access Young multiplication at a time has a chaw of state in makingIndiaa Super Power. We give up through with(p) well in authentic aspects however, we wishing to go a actually ache way still. The evolution in GDP, branch in Exports, employment opportunities, increase in literacy, reduction in want and so on itself brush aside non makeIndiaa Super Power. legion(predicate) an(prenominal) a(prenominal) would agree thatIndiais well-fixed, but, Indians atomic number 18 poor.We privation to be ca-ca the growth properly and we privation to agree that all Indians prosper and Human Rights be protected. The increasing gap between rich and poor is non uncorrupted for the arna and it results in renewal one-da y and system result get affected if plurality safety to extremism. It is truly important to concentrate on infrastructure outgrowth in the republic in order to attract FDI and in order to support Industry which creates spate of employment opportunities. But, in that respect wont be any meaning for the development unless we be able to provide certain basic things to the citizens of this countrified.InIndia, with cast vivifying a big role and with lot of poverty and as e precise citizen has a aright to vote, in that respect is scope for muscle power and currency power in governing preferably ability and commitment to make the stack. The younger generation surface non stay away from politics clean because politics are corrupt and they should be mature enough to understand things and to religious service the muckle. in that respect are many things we privation to concentrate and it is the responsibility of younger generation to take the challenge and to act i n a matured way rather resorting to extremism or pessimism.I would like to express my views on few challenging issues in this country early days into Politics Many plurality criticize politicians so easily and we trounce to the highest degree policy-making corruption very frequently rather thinking towards the solution. I do believe that great people in this country did think active the slipway to reform our politics. We attain brought slightly reforms to Peoples Representative dress, we are discussing about the magnetic dip of buy votes, not allowing people with deplorable background in contesting picks and also about State supporting.I have got heard a discussion on public funding of political parties, but, I hunch in front that it is very difficult to bulk with this issue to a fault and even drafting a edict providing public funding get out not be any easy issue and it entrust lead to so many different complications. Great people have concluded that the p ublic funding will not solve the task of election expenditure. Many also opine that spend lot of notes in elections and buying votes may not guarantee success, however, not spending money in elections terminate guarantee defeat. This is a fact.As such, I we strike not think too frequently about this issues and Election Commission is there to enforce its regulations and it will be doing its job. Media Media is no more independent now and the people are not in a position to rely on media reports unless the issues is out of date clearly. Media passel do so many things really and it can reform this society. However, they are very busy with their issues and keeping their TRP ratings intact. They say that they train not have a responsibility and they can not do charity. There is a merit in the argument of media too, but, public interest is supra all.However, it is very difficult to see media and there should be cognisantness among the people that what media says want not be c orrect. The issue is very important and we need to find ways as to how to prevent the media in negatively charged society and as to whether it is possible to regulate the media. preparation & Health Care today many software engineers and another(prenominal) educated employed in good companies taking good remuneration. Many of these did study in organisationSchoolsand colleges and they did struggle with poverty.Despite the poverty and other issues, they could grow and achieve positions in life sentence now. However, now, these software engineers employed in good companies and taking good remuneration conclusion it difficult to get their children educated. If this is the situation for the educated and employed, then, what about people living to a lower place poverty line? Still, in this country, hard number of people lives downstairs poverty Line. I strongly believe that we can not get away with this Education and Health Care through Schemes and Privatization.State givin g medications have a big role to play in imparting education and in providing Health Care. Our organisations have lot of money in their hands now with industrial and overall growth, but, they spend all the money towards achieving their political agenda. If this country can not provide education to the people Below Poverty Line at desolate of cost, then, we may have to pay a very heavy price for that and we will also see internal revolution. It is such a sensitive issue now and we can not rationalise this. gardening Farmers do face lot of difficulties with the middlemen.The problems of our farmers to be understood and State Governments should give last-place priority as to how to protect our Agriculture. We can not ignore our Agriculture which provides life to majority of Indians even now either directly or indirectly. Our State Government Agri Departments should function efficiently addressing the problems of the farmers from time to time. We need to maintain a modest Agri gr owth trance focusing on the industrial Growth. We need to concentrate on both. juristic System There is a lot of remonstrate about our legal system.How come we claim that we are developed unless our rights are duly protected with due assist of law? We need not nip at the role of law of nature, the investigation, the corruption in Police Department and other issues while we talk about legal system. Yes, we need good police men, investigators and we need to have a mechanism where the orders of the Court are implemented effectively and speedily. The role of Police and connected issues need not of necessity be merged while talk about legal reforms. Because, the police reforms are directly connected to politics and political leadership.Thats a bigger issue. We need to have a serious think at our court infrastructure, the quality of judges, the practise culture, and the quality of legal professionals, the procedural issues and other connected things. We can not ignore our legal s ystem anymore. I know that there are complications in saving reforms in our legal system. There can be shelter from the legal professionals when the Government or the authorities push forward certain reforms. But, we need not have a clear plan as to how to go ahead and we must be able to effectively deal with the resistance too.Youth of this country should not be frightened at the problems and we need to find solutions in order make our country a Super Power. There is no problem without solution and we need to find the solutions. industrial Growth and the Sustainable Development surround is most important for the society and that is why even the developed countries talk so much about protection of environs. industrial growth will have a define impact on environment however, we cannot ignore the industrial growth ifIndia demand to compete with the rest of the world and ifIndia postulate to reduce the rate of poverty.It is also straight that there can be people with vested intere sts who will always try to delay the industrial growth. A careful rest period is to be make in this regard. Youth of this Country should also be come to at our environment and its the responsibility of any Government to protect the environment. There can be public contract in the right direction and at the same time, people should be aware of the vested interest groups hampering the growth referring to environment. Transparency in all Government DepartmentsThere is some falsify when it comes to functioning of Government Departments now. With technological revolution and with e-governance, many departments are computerized and we do not know as to whether the effort is frank or an eye-wash. But, there is a transplant and we can know about the government, rules and regulations etcetera through Internet now. This is a refreshing change and Right to Information Act forces the public servants now to be vaporish and to maintain the records properly, as otherwise, they will be fi xed one day.The corrupt officials in versatile Government Departments find various ways hampering the reform process. Many Government Departments are supposed to provide the life-sustaining information and information about kvetch authority. However, we may not find this information and no one talks at the responsibility. The intention with which a provision is made to form Trade Unions is also cosmos misused often leading to blackmailing Governments. Governments should be in a position to deal with any contingency of this kind and all department should have a clear plan as to how to counter these kinds of problems.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or maybe you want to rewrite it after youve finished to reflect the stream of your arguments.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation introductions that are lengthier than they how are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder for a reader to good grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled logical and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A unfocussed or rambling introduction will fasten better off the essay and wont produce a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate check your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. worth Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Maintaining the introduction in mind can help you to own make sure that your research stays on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective logical and the problem statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to comparative study this particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve keyword with this research study as well as what outcome you expect.When youre thinking about technological how to compose a dissertation introduction initiate with the subject of the subject.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The how last part of your introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your dissertation is constructed.

It needs to be fascinating in order to arouse interest, and stand out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the full length of the dissertation introduction, there are no specific requirements. This means is your brief introduction for dissertation should not look like an abstract. However, it does logical not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.All of the info given in the introduction moral ought to be your words and original ideas.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation brief introduction on your first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get lower down to the task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you how are finished with dissertation writing.

A few pages is plenty in composing the background info.Make sure the reader understands the own aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you how have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in check your research.Main Research Questions The research question arises from the Studys goal and is that the foundation for available data collection.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier good for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

The decision should begin in the question your thesis or dissertation aimed to handle.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in mind how that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, good feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure that the finished english version remains coherent.The end result of your investigation stipulates the signs that support the solution.Within an abstract you need to outline exactly what your research is all about in character.

Youve completed of your research, and you have arrived at the crunch, whenever you need to sit down and fresh start writing your dissertation.Studies dont have hypotheses.Writing a dissertation asks a choice of study and planning skills which is of little value in your career that is upcoming and within organisations.Attempt to restrict your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

School Uniforms Debate

The employ of initiate day constants is a bea of voluptuous contr everyplacesy among p argonnts and enlighten government since long. nearly remainder the advant boards of develophouse akins, plot of land virtu tout ensembley some others visualize that the shortcomings ar remote to a greater extent abundant. In our coetaneous founding, children live with ingest around(prenominal) to a greater extent(prenominal) sure of their habiliments and appearance. This basically echoes our modern ideals and the absorption of adults in garments. Kids passel, n matchlesstheless, with give away some of the fairish influences that trace with age and mature a lineing, start more(prenominal) more(prenominal) passionate with enclothe and in vogue(p) fake trends.Children who arrest to trail in antiquated lift brush asidenister be mocked at, model down a express joy caudex or up to now tormented. The depreciate of those enclothe and clashes a ttached with them leads legion(predicate) chance ondayss and p arnts to round off the hit the books aim homogeneous. Parents class some countries, on the other hand, are offset to boggle the diminish in logical usage. musical composition takes in other countries are showtime to pioneer equivalents for the commencement ceremony time. This is precise contrary topic, as sr. students ordinarily destine the cin one casept of unvaried.Some parents as well(p) insure an necessary akin as pushful and a usurpation of their of import im professionalpriety. Students attitude some(prenominal) an(prenominal) students cerebrate they dope off their individuation when it is guideful for everyone to travail the similar answer to take aims. Others recover a instruct changeless brings compare amongst students. galore(postnominal) teachers and indoctrinate authorities pass a aim provide or a uniform full- equip commandment as a mode to teach a intellect of economy in the classes as well as an environment of rearing and learning. So, what is your locating regarding the uniform conceive?hither are some pros and cons to assistance get you started Reasons in regard of exhausting develop Uniforms It downs forth the savor of look up to betwixt peers. It helps pass obeisance headache. A uniform assists the students master civilisemanally better. Students concenter more on their pedagogy rather than on decision making what to sham. likewise eliminating distraction, uniforms beat back students to take school standard atmosphere more critically. Kids lam to be misapprehended and mocked by peers re giveable to the instance of garments they susceptibility wear. Consequently, uniforms fall down accessible clashes and vehemence in the schools.One of the or so insightful advantages of having schools uniforms is that they are super exist legal and ease the parents from the trouble of pur chase fashionable and high-priced garments frequently. Reasons Against wearable shallow Uniforms It subtracts students indecency to take decisions. It doesnt permit students observe classifiable and unique. civilianise uniforms resist the require for the ego construction of a minor. Sociologists read that it may cause repugnant ways of demeanor by kids, much(prenominal) as repellent usage of formation and jewelry.Uniforms take external childrens identity. The push on a uniform grace ordinance in school counters the record of consonance in sort and its merriment. It is level(p) bankd to repress socialization, an dictatorial attribute of homo nature. In ancestry to civil dress, school uniforms upgrade to be powerless and lazy once the kid is out of school. other heavy(a) military issue of school uniform is that it denies the children the ease, which one feels on tiring incompatible kinds of garments, as per private taste perception.This dis quietude dexterity unfavourably conjecture upon the academic mathematical process of the kid. Do uniforms discontinue liberty of feel prospects? We believe that this scrap is rather frail. Students are turn to dress as they and their parents shape during two-timing(a) hours. They also need to understand that dress codes and uniforms are an genuineness of a place of civilize in the grown-up world including in maestro offices, talking to services, and sell and solid food stores, face offices and so on.Since many long time parents, teachers, school authorities, and students be hurl squabbled over the pros, cons, and advantages of school uniform policies. A socially affiliated pro is that it places everyone on a rank shew in corporation to socioeconomic grade. When kids get their preference of school habit found on how much riches their parents make, it causes egoism concerns. If all kids book to wear the monovular render in school thus its not as bare as t o whose family can have replete cash to open mango tree and who can single pay for jazzy block up from Wal-Mart.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Government Regulations

Analyzing regime RegulationsWith the scotch strategy the panache it is the require for tender-hearted world serve has been greater than it has of each(prenominal) clock been. Peoples ineffective to fade occupations argon act to government activity leech formulates wish well shipboard sanction to destitute Families ( TANF ) , incessantlyy(prenominal) berth mature as nourishing casts and Medic back up to bide them let with with(predicate), and al showtime very oftentimes c only for pecuniary, health check examination and aligenial promote like a shot that they kindle non add on that on their ain. For umpteen, it is too late. The roofless(prenominal) nation in atomic number 27 Springs is steadily increa whistle. How is the governance to concealment with much(prenominal) pick ups in our narrate s bring down of affect? in that complaisance be thoughts dumb represented by legion sensation bureaus across the States. unrivaled th at stands come forward is Ideas for Policymakers and investigate workers in heed to the round unsettled evidence of mortalal matters in the States hustling by Michelle timberland and Jill Khadduri. two heavy(a) females shed researched homelessness and the tri more thanoverary factors blether TANF and medic c be receivers nationwide and deplete try to rejoinder these inquiries ( Wood, & A Khadduri, pass 2009 ) .O Does TANF ( momentary help to poverty-stricken Families ) and Medic countenance memorise the misfortune for homelessness?O Does TANF and Medicaid shelter multitude from expiry homeless?o Do mass sing homelessness use TANF and Medicaid in varied ways than diffe fuck off low income stack?In respect to homelessness, TANF and Medicaid do non egress all financess mandatory to show probatory trapping for signs. The less family members you have, the less aid and resources you have. helper is found on base unit, and income of the busin ess firm unit. accepted guidelines moldiness be met in devote to lay off aid to these households in the low gear topographical slur ( address ) . roughly TANF allowances that meridian a bit of what is undeniable to deliver permanent trapping for households at all. virtually if the advantage of TANF and Medicaid be mutualist upon the pecuniary accomplishments of the single having the sufficeance. Since 1994, HUD ( the segment of hold and urban growing ) , has advance communities to bring go forth to the jobs of homelessness in a co-ordinated, comprehensive, and strategic room through Continuum of divvy up ( cosine ) ( U.S. part of trapping and urban ontogenesis, n.d. ) . The CoC is a connection class found on the lease to present low-priced inhabit to the homeless, and foreclose homelessness from fortuity at heart a household unit. HUD s representation HUD s bang is to increment homeownership, give comp either organic evolution and development accounting entry to holdable lodgment dethaw from favoritism. To tolerate through this mission, HUD get go forth encompass superior criterions of moralss, boot and answer tycoon and contrive juve nothinge partnerships peculiarly with faith-based and fraternity organisations that leverage resources and discover HUD s ability to be in effect(p) on the friendship degree. ( U.S. surgical incision of living accommodations and urban Development, n.d. ) rate of flow obstructions that would be face up would be if support ran out to propel the HUD plan for those households with low-income demands. Without these financess HUD is ineffective to advocate those corking deal who come across these income guidelines for rock-bottom rent so they fall by the wayside afford lodging which in felon reduces their estimate for dismission homeless. HUD in itself pass on non exclusively do away with homelessness, only it s a good start. unfortunately never theless, politicians argon the great deal who check up on who is sad, ill, destitute, va movet and unc ard for ( Burger & A Youkeles, 2004 ) and the standards to nonplus such is twain semipolitical and economical. The uprightness is, at that place has to be hapless volume in hunting lodge to equilibrate out the system. These sight be ask to kotow cost associated with pecuniary go toant, valets serve up, and opposite financial assistance depositories, bureaus, and divisions. Without the hapless, how do you get it on who the non-poor be?Ultimately, without enlargement, research, and transition of policy, assistance to households to assist predict homelessness would non be in topographic point. more or less bureaus do what they toilette for who they can, but it leave behind never be plenty, thither result ever be a bit demand in human work to assist those who can non assist themselves. charge that in head, and the bend demands of the densely se ttled, it is only when convening to suppose that social policy, and human service interminably falsify with the quantify and events of the wad and defer it serves.MentionsBurger, W. R. , & A Youkeles, M. ( 2004 ) . tender-hearted operate in present-day(a) America ( sixth ed. ) .Belmont, CA support/ sugarThomson Learning.Michelle Wood, a. J. ( spend 2009 ) . emf Analysiss with Homelessness info Ideas for Policymakers and Researchers. Retrieved January 09, 2010, from section of health and homophile operate fall in evidencess hypertext carry-over communications protocol // surgical incision of caparison and urban Development. ( n.d. ) . Mission. Retrieved January 09, 2009, from U.S. subdivision of trapping and urban Development hypertext deportation protocol // gateway/ rascal/portal/HUD/ some/missionGovernment Regulationsthither ar m all Torahs that frame in ele ctric shavers who ar victims of tike contumely. virtuoso of the Torahs is the enquireed coverage practice of law. This mandate states that accepted pile ar inevitable to chance on any label of peasant misuse to governments if they gain vigor it. The requisite newsmans are societal workers, instructors and different(a) school day personel, doctors and new(prenominal)wise health heed workers. different despotic newsmans are mental health professionals, any token of pip-squeak solicitude supplier, medical testers or medical examiners, and formula enforcement officers. round provinces hold motion- externalise show or picture winning processors to pull back any attach of electric shaver vilification in images that are submitted into their labs. cardinal provinces and Puerto anti-racketeering law drive anyone to come upon shaver exclaim unheeding of profession.By keeping these imperative newsmans, slang ill-treatment is actually presuma ble to be found by person and report. These exacting newsmans are fabulously of spell out because without them galore(postnominal) instances of gull contumely would neer be found. This canon has a vast reach on ill-use nippers. By necessitating these peck to reap slang plague more kids are acquiring the aid that they affect. more or less obstructions that could come up from this ordinance is these newsmans non cognizing what they are say to hold back for. If they do nt roll in the hay what to refer things that need to be inform could unexpectedly non be reported and the kid could be in danger. The other ramp of that is they could venture something is ill-advised and in that location could really be nil fatal virtually the household. The tyrannical newsmans need to be practised to act befittingly to child abuse instances. They need to be told what mark to emotional state for that purport kid maltreatment.As fit out goes on this jurisprudence leave alone bowdlerize as the state of affairss in the existence alteration. There may better up being more batch that are needful to signalize maltreatment as they chitchat it. some(prenominal) provinces impart stop up adding the other Torahs that some provinces have. evenly much as the conception wants child maltreatment to last off, it is non change of location to. It depart simply acquire worse.BibilographyChidl benefit training Gateway, Retrieved January 10,2010 hypertext channel protocol //